India’s first-ever World Cup-winning captain, Kapil Dev, revealed that he did not receive an invitation to attend the 2023 World Cup final between India and Australia at the Narendra Modi Stadium. Speaking to ABP News, Kapil expressed his absence, mentioning that despite his wish for the entire 1983 World Cup squad to be present, the BCCI didn’t extend an invitation to him.
“I am here when they call me. Unhone nahi bulaya, mein nahi gaya (They didn’t invite me, so I didn’t go), it’s as simple as that. I wanted my entire 1983 World Cup team to be there. But with so much going on and many responsibilities, sometimes people forget,” Kapil conveyed to ABP News.
Kapil, who led India to victory in the 1983 World Cup, defeating the formidable West Indies in the final, expressed his desire to have his team present at the event.
Reports indicate that the International Cricket Council (ICC) plans to invite all World Cup-winning captains to the 2023 Cricket World Cup final at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, although no official confirmation has been made. The expected guests might include Clive Lloyd, the 1975 winner, along with India’s captains Kapil Dev and MS Dhoni, alongside England’s Eoin Morgan, potentially gracing the final.
Notably absent from the list might be Imran Khan, the former Pakistan captain instrumental in their 1992 World Cup victory, as he is currently in jail. The anticipated attendees in Ahmedabad may encompass captains such as Clive Lloyd (1975 and 1979 winner), Allan Border (1987), Arjuna Ranatunga (1996), Steve Waugh (1999), Ricky Ponting (2003, 2007), MS Dhoni (2011), Michael Clarke (2015), and Eoin Morgan (2019).
Team India has maintained a flawless record in the tournament, particularly displaying exceptional skills in the semifinals against New Zealand. With a perfect ten wins out of ten matches played so far, securing an eleventh victory would earn them their third World Cup title. Meanwhile, Australia, after initially stumbling with two losses, bounced back with eight consecutive wins. They are aiming for their record-extending sixth title.